Submitted by angela.barker on
January 14, 2025
Bee Rarewala named Leader of Influence by Los Angeles Business Journal

AC Martin Chief Strategy Officer, Bee Rarewala, has been named a Leader of Influence - Thriving in their 40s by the Los Angeles Business Journal.
Bee is recognized as a Leader of Influence because she inspires through vision, she sees beyond challenges and empowers others to rise to their potential, fostering a culture of innovation. Bee is not only an inspirational leader in the Architecture / Engineering / Construction (A/E/C) industry and in the community, but also within AC Martin. The firm has thrived from the incredible impact of her leadership, creativity, and unwavering drive. She has been paramount in inspiring a sense of community, collaboration, and “one firm” amongst the four offices of AC Martin throughout California.
Check out the full list of leading Los Angeles professionals in their 40s. (click image below)
From Los Angeles Business Journal:
Methodology: The professionals featured in these pages did not pay to be included. Their profiles were drawn from nomination materials submitted to the Los Angeles Business Journal. Those selected for inclusion were reviewed by the editorial department. The professionals were chosen based on a demonstration of impact made on the profession and on the Los Angeles community.